Wednesday, March 15

Sugar high

Adam and Natasha had been eating a snack together the other day. I went in to see them in the play room and Natasha was jumping up and down singing and came right up to me and was talking to me about three inches from my face moving constantly.
I said, "Did Daddy feed you a lot of simple sugars?" (while giving Daddy the LOOK)
Natasha, "No, I did it myself!"

Saturday, March 4

Do YOU know where Bolivia is?

It's not in Eastern Europe (that's Bulgaria).

It's not exit 30 off of I-5 (that's where someone once thought Haiti was, but I digress...)

It's in the very middle of South America.
It's land-locked and the poorest country on the continent.
It's where only one in ten churches have a trained pastor.
It's where churches have been exploding in number and people are hungry for some solid Bible teaching.'s where the Wehrley clan is headed.
We've been appointed as missionaries with Avant Ministries. Adam has been accepted to be the New Testament Professor at Hebron Theological Seminary in Santa Cruz.
We are VERY excited because:
1. We LOVE Avant. Short-cycle, native-run church planting is what they're all about.
2. Adam LOVES to teach especially the New Testament, especially Greek! Yeah, now he just has to learn Spanish so he can teach Greek. ;-)
3. I LOVE Spanish! Ole' Habla espanol? Mi hija, Natasha, dice 'Mama, yo quiero hablar espanol como mis amigas de Peru.' Yo tambien, Natasha, Yo tambien!
4. We've been talking about missions since before we got married and now we're going...well, as soon as we raise our monthly support that is. SO, please pray for that. We are kicking off our support raising efforts this next week. We will probably be coming to a city near you at some point and would love to hook up with as many churches, friends, and just plain people as possible.

Friday, March 3

appliance coup

In a matter of thirty minutes last night, four major (i.e. expensive) machines/appliances had malfunctions. Adam was working on his papers for his Greek class. I was doing laundry when the dryer started to smell like fire.

"It smells like a good fire," Adam quipped.
Sorry, there is no such thing as a "good fire" in your dryer.

I decided to give the lint trap a good, thorough cleaning with the vacuum. (Side trip to the bedroom to put a movie on for the kids...the volume is stuck on 40 and won't budge. After restarting all AV units, the volume worked again and we didn't have to have Little People blaring through the house.)

I turn on the vacuum and it begins to smoke and smell like burned rubber. Yum...there goes the "good fire" smell!

Turns out the belt broke. No big deal. I fix that and then clean out the dryer vent. I decide to make sure the outlet outside is not plugged with lint. I go around the house to find Adam's car with it's lights on....very dim, but on. It won't start, of course.

Well, the tv resolved itself, I fixed the vacuum belt and Adam jumped his car easily this morning. The dryer is kaput, and Adam wouldn't let me near the computer last night! He kept resaving his paper every time I walked by.