A Moving party, that is. I can hardly fathom that we are actually going to be in our own house, with our own teeny-tiny yard. That is, we will be there after we move all our stuff (why do we have so much STUFF???? oh yeah, we have kids--goodNESS!), fix a vehicle (or two) and clean our apartment--all before the first (MY BIRTHDAY!)
I am just in awe over how God has provided for us with this house. The housing market in Juneau is so tight and we are poor (well, at least in Juneau-where-the-median-income-is-87K-per-annum-and-we-are-trying-to-be-fully-supported-missionaries meaning of the word poor.) We had our offer accepted without haggling, the seller paid almost all of closing costs, we received a mighty chunk of down payment assistance, and the seller paid to fix a ton of stuff that needed done for the house. Amazing.
Wednesday, June 29
We're having a party!
Posted by Molly at 2:33 PM 3 comments
Friday, June 24
The deer
This photo was taken the same day as the previous post. These are two yearling does whose mommy hung out around our house a lot last summer. These two are not skiddish around people as you can see. I was not using any kind of zoom, just my little digital camera. This particular doe just kept walking toward me--until I got a little spooked and moved. She was within 10 or 12 feet from me.
Posted by Molly at 10:01 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 21
Only in Alaska...
...are the full-grown deer smaller than the skunk cabbage!
Posted by Molly at 9:09 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 14
Redneck Swimming
That's how Adam referred to it. It was hot, okay? (You know, like 70.)
Posted by Molly at 11:09 AM 3 comments
You'd think...
...that from the silence that we'd have been moving, setting up our computer in the new house and waiting for our internet service to get set up. And you'd be wrong. Hmmm. Still waiting to move with half of our house packed....but our house is looking good. They just finished residing the exterior.
Posted by Molly at 11:00 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 1
One week to go...Part 2
Hurry up and wait. That seems to be the motto of home buying. Hurry and get your offer in before someone else bids higher--we gotta get it off the market! Wait for a response...Hurry and get an engineer's report or it'll be "As Is" for you! Hurry and get bids for the 12 (count 'em TWELVE) things that need repaired. Wait while everyone mulls over the whole deal, find bids for the work, see what their second cousin once removed, who built a birdhouse once so he must know a thing or two about carpentry, thinks about Contractor #2 and see if they still want to go with our offer or not.......Wait, wait wait (here my eyes start to glaze over and my tone becomes low and drawn out as if I'm being played back in slow motion) for the repairs to be done...wait some more....HURRY and get all the papers from point A to points B and C, sign a paper from Point C, take copies to points B and D, return original copy to B, rush over to C and sign 3 more papers in triplicate, but you make changes the next day and they have to be resigned...all with two kids who always need naps.......and Mommy does too.
Okay, all that to say that we aren't moving today...maybe not this week. Next week perhaps???
Posted by Molly at 3:25 PM 4 comments