Tuesday, August 29

Oh yeah....a bear

A few posts ago I said that I usually waited until something interesting happened before posting. Then something interesting happened and I'm just getting to posting it today. oops.

Adam and I and other youth staff were out in the woods last Monday night preparing for a game of Nero with all the Jr and Sr high schoolers.


Oh,, two teams of kids, one tree with flags on it, youth staff in hiding with squirt guns and water balloons = tons of fun.....until a staffer gets spooked by a huge mamma bear

That would be ME!!

I had just gotten settled in a *perfect* hiding spot and figured out where I could crouch unseen and step unheard. The game was about to start and I turned when I heard a noise behind me to my left. A little bird landed in a bush about four feet from my face. I was amazed that I was that close to this little bird! My thoughts from here on:

"I wonder what kind of bird that is...I've never seen one with that coloring...hmmm it doesn't even know I'm here...I'm pretty sneaky...What is that thundering noise behind meAAAGGGGHHHHHH a HUGE BEAR!!!!!! She doesn't know I'm here either!!!!"

Well, the huge black bear (about as long as the breadth of my arms) thundered (literally, you could feel the ground shake) away from our playing field. Vic, another youth staff said he saw a cub climb a tree about the same time I yelled "BEAR"--yeah, a cub on the other side of me. Just what you don't want: cub, You, big mamma bear.

Fortunately the sow was probably just trying to draw our attention away from her cub and they soon left the area. Needless to say, it was a good way to get my adrenaline going for a really fun game!


Jeana said...

Oh my word! That is one crazy adventure! I'm so glad you weren't hurt or growled at, even...eep!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are such a good hider! Wow, some fun up there in Alaska. Do they have bear in Bolivia?

Molly said...

There are bears on the continent, but I don't think there are going to be many in a city of 1.6 million. And Adam says they have little whimpy bears.

beccafredo said...

Wow! That's a great story! Once when we were playing capture the flag in Haiti, my mom crawled along this wall in the dark and came nose to nose with a huge, hairy tarantula! In typical "my mom" fashion she managed to back away slowly and not even get caught! Hmmm, getting caught or taking longer to get away from huge tarantula....I would have gotten caught, rather dramatically too!