Tuesday, April 18

The worst blogger ever?

No comments on that please! Our blog is our homepage, so I cringe whenever I get on the internet and see the date of my last post. Yi-yi-yi!

Well, here's life with us:
Nat and Elias are on antibiotics, which means I'm loathing every diaper change. They're both feeling 400% better than a week ago, so I'm really just thankful that the "pink medicine" worked. Elias spent four whole days lying on my bed not eating or talking with a 101-102 degree fever which then turned into bronchitis. Natasha just had her per anum antibiotic run to help with her allergic rhinitis. Her skin looks fabulous--just in time for Easter pictures too.

Adam and I are working on the flooring in our living room today. We're putting down unfinished 4" rustic hickory. I've also been getting things together for a garage sale and thinking ahead to when we'll be headed down to Oregon (hopefully for a few months) before going to Bolivia. You can be praying for God's direction as we prepare to leave Juneau (timing, finances, getting our house ready to sell and selling it.) Just how does a person go from one home to the next? The logistics baffle me at this point in time. Meanwhile, I am just going to continue to work on the painting, flooring, yardwork etc and also try to get the laundry and dishes done at the same time.


Jeana said...

Praying for you! Love you!