Wednesday, April 22

The Exterminator has come

The fumigator was here yesterday. It was a very long day. Adam basically had to take the day off, though he studied quite a bit in the neighbor's yard. But, he had to let the guy in, let him out, wait two hours to open up the entire house to air out, then wait another two hours until he could let us and the dog back into the yard. By that time, the kids and I had been out of the house for over four hours--Ana had completely skipped her morning nap by then. And then we had two hours of cleaning: sweeping all the floors, and washing every unprotected surface.

It was quite a chore as I was already sore from exercising at 5:30 that morning. (Why, oh why did I pick that day to start exercising??!!) Thankfully, Ines was here to help otherwise it would have taken me three or four hours. While we were cleaning, Adam took the puppy to the vet for his shots and to get rid of his ticks, fleas and niguas (little sand fleas that burrow in his feet, lay eggs and form a painful, white pustule). We didn't want him to bring all those insects right back into our de-bugged yard.

While I knew the fumigation was necessary. I hate chemicals, but when there are harmful insects around it's a requisite evil. The funniest moment was when the fumigator arrived. He had just finished our neighbor's house, so he was already "in gear."

Elias did NOT want him here! We were waiting by the gate for our taxi, when he arrived. Something about a guy in full gas mask, backpack full of chemicals and gesturing with his bazooka as he spoke muffled Spanish just didn't sit right with the poor kid! The dogs didn't really like him either!

The biggest blessing has been a day without ants in the kitchen! I'd gotten so used to them I didn't think I really needed them exterminated. But now I realize how stressful it was to not be able to prep a meal without ants crawling on the cutting board. not be able to leave a dirty dish near the sink without being covered in the little guys when you washed the dishes after the meal. It is truly a blessing!

Oh, good, it's a Stihl.