Friday, August 29

brick henge, dirt coffee and hibiscus...a day in the life of the hijos

It wasn't too hot, or too windy or too cold. It was just right. A perfect day to make dirt coffee, pour dirt on your sister's head and make brick henge for your Mom. Don't you think?

The brick henge. Natasha told me, "I made you triangles."

The dirt pouring and "coffee" drinking. Well, you can't see the actual dirt pouring, but I watched them out the window. The admitted to it later--especially when a 1/4 cup of dirt came out of Natasha's ponytail at bathtime. Oh, and the hair "do" is her wild girl version of curls.

One of eleven hibiscus that were in my yard this particular day. We have yellow, orange a few different pinks and this red one.

This is my favorite part of the hibiscus--the velvety stigmas.

Ana has started to sit on her own...though she still falls on her own too.

Natasha loves to climb our trees--which are actually huge mulberry bushes.


Jeana said...

Brick henge: I love that she decorated them with flowers.

Wild Girl Curls: I think my hair looks like this most days.

Hibiscus: I'm trying really, really hard to be jealous of you. They are SO pretty!

Biobird said...

I think I'll try your method of making coffee. :+) I love the stories and the pictures. I just don't get the electric shower-heater-thing...I guess it's like having a shampoo and perm at home! I'm praying for you all. Love you!

Katie Jo said...

What great pictures. Your kids all look adorable.